8 Exclusive features React JS brings to your development initiative.

Amanda Allen
3 min readAug 24, 2021

If you are looking for robust, feature-rich, and appealing front-ends, then React JS is your top choice. What makes React JS so special, you ask. Well, given that React JS is an open-source, declarative, and flexible JavaScript library that sports capabilities of assembling a scalable, intuitive, and appealing front-end end for your SPA’s and web apps, fast, here is a quick look at the eight exclusive features that React JS brings to your development initiative.

1. Component-Based:

React JS applications are built by stacking components. With a modular, component-based development methodology, React JS can integrate design schemas and display them when needed.

React JS’s components are bits of UI. React JS isolates the UI into independent and usable components which can be addressed independently. React apps have two sorts of components — Stateless Functional Components and Stateful Class Components.

2. Declarative:

React gives an incredible developer experience to its clients, which thus results in a great UX. The developers can assemble web apps quicker and can debug screens and components more effectively.

3. JavaScript Syntax Extension (JSX):

JSX is utilized to create robust UIs. Developers can compose the HTML structures and JS codes in a single file, making reading and debugging codes a simple process. With React JS, developers can steer clear of complex JS DOM.

4. Virtual DOM:

React has arrangements of a Virtual DOM (VDOM), which empowers easy control. On the occasion when the state of an object is changed, the VDOM changes only that individual object in the real DOM and not the entirety of the objects present in the code.

5. Faster Performance:

The VDOM empowers the React JS-based web apps to run quicker. Additionally, React as a stage can be immediately downloaded, and surprisingly the setup interaction is easy. Its code-splitting highlight also lessens app load time significantly, resulting in better and faster overall performance.

6. One-way Data Binding:

React’s one-directional information stream empowers a developer to nest child components with the parent components. Along these lines, a developer has better command over the web application since the error source is visible.

7. Backward Compatibility:

The motivation behind why most developers lean toward utilizing React for front-end development is this functionality since it empowers them to chip away at the product with older variants of libraries.

8. Easy Debugging:

React JS has an ever-growing developer community that empowers the simple debugging of web apps. React JS also sports a browser extension that can add the React tab in the developer tools tab on Chrome. This makes examining the React components simpler.


It is impossible to hold one to be more effective than the other in the sphere of frameworks and libraries. However, every development project has unique requirements, and the right choice of framework/library can contribute greatly to project success.

As an enterprise, perhaps software/app development is not one of your core competencies, and you may not know which framework will yield the best outcomes for you; this is the point at which the right development partner steps in!

At Radixweb, as an acclaimed React JS Development Company, we direct businesses of all scales, sectors, and verticals towards neo-modern, transformative tech solutions. If you feel that we at Radixweb can add value to your development initiative, go ahead and reach out to us. Know more about exclusive features React JS brings to your development initiative.



Amanda Allen

I have expertise in web development, software development, web based solutions working with an offshore outsourcing IT company.